war in afganistan

akcesoria meblowe, oświetlenie meblowe, prowadnice, szafy, s

Temat: Druga wojna według Rosjan - ( rosyjskie fora internetowe )
...NOT LESS PERNICIOUS, THAN ABSENCE IT. Democracy it is simple a word, and under this word it is possible to sign one million human lives. The Constitution guarantees that teh choice will not be destructive for others. In normal democracy (American or European) you can not do everythink even if majority supports you - there is constitution and international agreements. Only when there is no democracy the government (od a dictator) can do everythink - like in USSR ( war in Afganistan), China (Culturall Revolution), Iraq (using weapons of mass destruction against own citizens), Korea. Democracy is the only proof that the government will not use his power (given by a Police, Army, Intelligence) to control citizens. In non democratic states you never know how the dictator will react fot (for example) demonstration of protest.
Źródło: dws.org.pl/viewtopic.php?t=9956

Temat: jak to zrouzmiec?
i do pierwszego wpisu: sprobuj byc mezczyzna. Nie moge byc uczciwy, slaby ani przestraszony ale jak jestem zmartwiony jestem tym wszystkim! (w sensie ze te wszystkie cechy w nim sa jak sie waha). Concerned znaczy przejety, zmartwiony. Np. I am concerned about war in Afganistan. itp.
Źródło: forum.dict.pl/viewtopic.php?t=14085

Temat: Druga wojna według Rosjan - ( rosyjskie fora internetowe )
If Americans have chosen war, at them not so well with brains. Now troupes of the American soldiers will show them of that there is their "truth" and their "democracy" They have received the second Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!! But this is democracy - they have chosen war. Not like people in USSR - who have not chosen the war in Afganistan. Szczególnie przed zbliżającymi się wyborami... (Roman G., bracia K.) Generalnie to podzieliła nas (Polaków) ta wojna. michalc13 has written: Especially before the elections (Roman G. brothers K.) Generally the war has devided us (Poles)
Źródło: dws.org.pl/viewtopic.php?t=9956

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