wars toys

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Temat: Which modules should I purchase, to build my first MIDIbox SEQ?
...in that regard. :) ) Initially I was extremely bummed, by the loss of all of my Linear chips.  :'(  I quickly realized though, that it were my own fault, for not moving that case of drawers, in the first place and I have only myself to blame.  (sigh)  And - it gives me a good enough reason to go out and purchase all new chips anyways. :D  LOL You wouldn't let a single piece of gear out of site, but you STILL lost a hardware seq. AND a PC, AND Star Wars toys?  I would have gone BANANAs over THAT!  Especially with the latter 2!  >:( >:( And the last time, everything except clothes???  :o :o OMG!  Them together'er all far worse losses than what I had!  Major sorrows for your past, man. :'( Still though - I guess I just weren't meant to have them all. :)  I'm carrying on, as per norm.  As well - you've mentioned the CEM3396 at the end of...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6969

Temat: Which modules should I purchase, to build my first MIDIbox SEQ?
...my bookmarks for ages now, keeping an eye out for your SSM2044 schematic. I've got 10 of them sitting here waiting for a good schematic ;) I was completely lost for words when I read your post about your move. I'm really sorry man. I know I would've shed a tear or 10 for that lot :( I drove my last removalist berserk, because I wouldn't let a single item of my gear out of sight... Still I somehow managed to lose a hardware sequencer and a PC, and a few expensive star wars toys, and some clothes... The next time I moved was a drama and I left behind pretty much everything but the clothes I could carry. I guess these things happen huh... But wow... I wish I could make those IC's come back!! I hope you're not too bummed. Look on the bright side - it's a really good excuse to get new toys ;D I noticed that you'd spoken of making a digital synth, Have you seen the speakjet synth module that's being worked on?...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6969

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