wayne booth

akcesoria meblowe, oświetlenie meblowe, prowadnice, szafy, s

Temat: Ilu ludzi zeszło z tego świata w dzień twoich urodzin?
Approximately 148,620 people died worldwide on October 10, 1992. 2006 - Ian Scott, Canadian politician 2006 - Michael John Rogers, English ornithologist 2005 - Milton Obote, President of Uganda 2005 - Wayne Booth, American literary critic 2004 - Maurice Shadbolt, New Zealand writer 2004 - Arthur H. Robinson, American cartographer 2004 - Christopher Reeve, American actor 2004 - Ken Caminiti, American baseball player 2003 - Eugene Istomin, American pianist 2002 - Teresa Graves, American actress and singer 2001 - Vasily Mishin, Soviet rocket designer 2001 - Eddie Futch, American boxing trainer 2000 - Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Prime...
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