water aerobics

akcesoria meblowe, oświetlenie meblowe, prowadnice, szafy, s

Temat: Aqua Jogger
...impact to the muscles and joints of people of all ages. Along with the benefits of aerobic activity came muscle soreness, stress fractures and aching joints resulting in flagging motivation and injury. People turned to special fitness shoes with air cells and gels and air pumps to cushion the impact but the effects of gravity were winning. Meanwhile... The Aqua Jogger Story continues ...back at the pool, the Aqua Jogger and deep water taking the jolt out of aerobics. Deep water aerobics opens up a new world of fitness for people of all ages and at all levels of fitness. The forgiving water environment is not only effective, but it's fun and has inspired deep and shallow water classes to start up all over the world. This is how it works. Suspended up to your neck in deep water with the Aqua Jogger, you can breathe normally like you do on land as you move through the water. Your feet dont't touch the bottom of the pool so there is no impact and the...
Źródło: bieganie.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2121

Temat: Do dr JANA matek z RZS i wszytskich ktorzy znają odpowiedzi.
...anaerobowych jako kontroli wskazuje na korzyść z zastosowania hydroterapii. Aerobik wodny wykazał skuteczność nawet w porównaniu z zastosowaniem farmakoterapii, z jej towarzyszącymi działaniami niepożądanymi.] I wreszcie na koniec prosto z zaleceń American College of Rheumatology (czyli najbardziej szacownego towarzystwa lekarzy-reumatologów na świecie): "Participating in at least 30 minutes of physical activity such as swimming, water aerobics, riding an exercise bike, and walking are beneficial for many patients at reducing arthritis pain and future disability" [Poświęcanie przynajmniej 30 minut dziennie na aktywność fizyczną, taką jak pływanie, aerobik wodny, jazda na rowerze stacjonarnym lub chodzenie sa korzystne u wielu pacjentów w celu ograniczenia bólu i ewentualnej przyszłej niepełnosprawności"] Pozdrawiam i mam nadzieję, że starczy na...
Źródło: forum.rzs.pl/viewtopic.php?t=825

Temat: Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate Study Results Announced
...said Dr. Clegg. "But a much longer period of study will be needed to fully determine the long-term effects of these products, how they work in the body, and what explains their possible clinical benefits." Dr. Clegg is overseeing a continuing study of about one-half of the GAIT participants to find out whether these same treatments can reduce or stop the progression of OA. These results are expected in about a year. Translating the Results Into Practice Water aerobics and swimming are two types of exercise that can be helpful for OA. CAM at the NIH asked Dr. Clegg what he thinks these results mean for people with OA. "Conventional treatments such as prescription drugs, graded exercise, weight loss when appropriate, physical therapy, and patient education will remain key therapies for OA," he replied. "Patients should talk to their health care provider about all their treatment options."...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=2062

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